Meet the Team
- HEC Founder
From my earliest memories, life on a micro-farm filled with horses, cows, pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, and ducks shaped my love for the land and its offerings. Our garden was more than just plants; it was our pantry, teaching me the importance of self-sustainability and resourcefulness.
Later in life, my journey took a delicious detour into the gourmet food industry, where I honed my skills and fed my passion for exceptional cuisine. My husband’s and my adventurous spirits brought us to a quaint small town in Southern Oregon. Here, I had the pleasure of serving as the general manager for two prominent livestock industry magazines, where I combined my love for writing and connecting with the agricultural community.
When our first child arrived, my focus shifted to balance professional endeavors with family life. This led to the launch of a successful virtual assistant company, allowing me to work from home and be present for my family. Being home also reignited my homesteading dreams, inspiring me to learn and adapt classic skills into our modern lifestyle—an endeavor I cherish deeply.
Now, nestled on acreage at the edge of the mountains, we homeschool our two children and live the homestead life I cherish. The Homestead Education Channel is the culmination of my passions for writing, teaching, and empowering others to embark on their own homesteading journey right where they are.
Join us as we explore the wonders of homesteading, sustainable living, and creating a fulfilling life rooted in nature.
- HEC Staff Writer
Virginia grew up in California and has been an avid reader and equestrienne since childhood. Her ambition was always to be a writer and to work with horses.
After years working in a corporate job in healthcare as a middle manager, she moved to the nonprofit sector. Then she moved to Oregon. She has worked as a freelance writer and editor since 2008.
In the past 15 years,since arriving in Oregon, Virgnia has worked as a horse trainer and riding coach, been the director of an equine therapy group, and been a volunteer for her local horse rescue.
Virginia is mostly retired now from horse training, and is still freelancing as a writer and editor. She now trains AI bots instead of animals. She lives on a small hobby farm that she and her husband have built in rural southern Oregon. They keep cows, chickens, dogs, cats, and of course, horses.
- Life Transformation Practitioner
For over 30 years, Chana Rus (pronounced Haanah Ruth) has been a guiding light, inspiring countless individuals as a dynamic teacher, cherished mentor, and holistic health practitioner. Known as the “mother’s, Mother” and the “coaches, Coach,” she has led transformative journeys in life-skills development, self-governed family systems, alternative education with a passion for homeschooling, and holistic health. Her “soil to soul” approach nurtures balanced vitality, empowering others to create harmony in their hearts, homes, and communities.
Now in her sixties, Chana’s rich life experiences and deep wisdom continue to foster cutting-edge, mind-body-spirit unified health, emotional evolution, and personal and planetary transformation—a mission she’s been passionate about since her twenties. Chana Rus, retired as a Holistic Health Practitioner, Board Certified in Alternative Medicine, now works as an educator and wellness coach. She also serves as an Inner Family Dynamics and Attachment Systems—Self-Leadership Parenting Coach and an Alternative Leadership Education and Homeschooling Simplified Mentor.
Chana is more than a mentor; she’s a catalyst for profound personal growth. Together with her team and tribe, she invites you to explore holistic living that deeply connects you to Creation, crafting a future where health flourishes, families thrive, communities unify, and spirits soar.
- HEC Staff Writer
- HEC Staff Writer
Michele Mead was raised in Southern Oregon with her brother. Over the years, she has tried many different hobbies and career opportunities. Nothing made her happier than reading and writing. Recently, she homeschooled three of her great nieces and loved the experience and freedom of molding their little minds. During those four years, she began to look into preparing for the unknown future. She has learned how to can, freeze dry, and store foods safely. As a woman with ADHD, Michele has interests that could fill a library, and loves to expand her knowledge in many ways. Her current interests include preparing for the future and freeze drying a huge assortment of food. Michele loves to share her knowledge and experiences and hopes to encourage others to be ready for the unknown. Visit Michele’s site at
- HEC Research Coordinator
I grew up on a small farm that instilled in me a deep love for the land and animals. From an early age, I dreamed of owning my own piece of land and living a self-sufficient life. Now, I am fortunate to live on a 2.4-acre farm in beautiful Southern Oregon. My days are filled with the joy of raising chickens and goats, as well as tending to our vegetable and herb garden
and small orchard.
As a dedicated mother of five, I balance homeschooling my children with nurturing our
homestead. My passion for sustainable living and self-sufficiency grows every day, and I love sharing this journey with others. Whether it’s through hands-on activities, learning classic skills, or simply enjoying the beauty of nature, I am committed to living a fulfilling and
meaningful life on our farm. You can find Maegan online at or on Facebook at Trinity Homestead LLC